Tag Archive for: Washington DC

So much light, holiness, color and wonder….

Washington Highlights (part 5)

I did not intend to write this much detail about our trip; honestly, I feel a bit self-indulgent. To write and share at least 5 parts, I wonder if people really want to hear about the details or if this is just another authentic part of the blog, vacation memories for the last few weeks, another topic another time. I wonder if I can possibly convey it well enough because, well…our trip just was, magical. (and it WAS NOT my beloved Disney this time, if you can believe it… 🙂

Our third day in the city found us on the now familiar Metro. I will readily admit that my parents led the charge in becoming familiar with both the Metro and the public bus system. They are braver and more familiar with this in their 70’s after a few trips to England than hubby and I will ever be, probably. It was our first time using the Metro and I was immensely thankful for their adventurous spirit and ease in “just finding our way.”

This time, we’d all decided to go see the National Cathedral, something that we and the kids had only seen on TV. I am also always curious about old church buildings for many reasons, so this was a natural draw. We got a little turned around in terms of getting there, but as always, my family was so supportive and tough. After an almost 2 mile walk (or roll for me) from the Metro stop, we arrived at the National Cathedral. We had wandered past beautiful homes, landscape and overall scenery on the walk, but staring at the cathedral itself felt somewhat ethereal.

The official name of Washington National Cathedral is the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. We stood gaping at the towering columns, sharp, steep spires and steeples; a mix textures, including stone, shimmering glass of every color, windows of many shapes and sizes. There is an actual Darth Vader head hidden up there, no joke!

The bubbling sounds of a fountain mixed with the awe we were experiencing even before we set foot through the massive, dark wooden doors. We wandered into a courtyard, the fountain whimsical to our sweet youngest who exudes her own whimsy, always. I have said it many times, but I had a hard time taking it all it all in. I felt like I couldn’t find any words, which for me, is quite a thing….

We entered through the solid doors and were instantly awash with colors, all around. The whole rainbow rested everywhere, our faces, clothing, the floor and the many pews in front of us, the instant we arrived. We must have looked a bit overwhelmed, even in all the color. A docent walked swiftly to our group of 7, encouraging us to join the guided tour just a few feet away.

“The West Rose seeks to sing its own hymn of praise to the universe,” designer for creation Rose, Rowan, LeCompte said, “for all it’s impressive size in the cathedral that must be a tiny song indeed when we pause to consider the infinite grandeur of the cosmos, this unimaginably vast created and creating mysterious miracle.”
Upon arriving, the Nave completely took our breath away. You could FEEL the spirit of the Lord here. I could not believe the splendor….
Light everywhere❤️

Another knowledgeable and joyful docent was explaining the details of his beloved cathedral with the warmest of smiles and eyes. He was telling of the many chapels within the cathedral (9 total!), years of history, intentionality and how everything leads back to the Word, God’s love and Jesus’s sacrifice. To really explain it all would take days on my blog….so a few photo highlights and thoughts will have to suffice until you go experience it firsthand. (YES, GO! You will NOT be sorry!) Before our trip, my understanding was limited to “the church the presidents go to before inauguration and where they hold state funerals” and that was all. Now, having stood in the middle of this holy, beautiful ground, I am infinitely more curious about the life of the cathedral, more of Jesus and how this place points back to him, always.

The miracles of Jesus, located in Saint John’s chapel. Absolutely stunning to me…
Known as the space window, it is one of the most popular windows at the cathedral. It holds a lunar sample from the Apollo 11 mission. A quote from the Bible – Job 22:12 – runs along the base of the window: “Is not God in the height of heaven?”

As we ventured through the cathedral, we were privileged enough to see the places where Abraham Lincoln, Helen, Keller, and and Anne Sullivan have been interred, amongst many others. It was holy ground indeed.

The docent showed us this beautiful pulpit where, during many state funerals, memorials, tributes, and eulogies have been delivered, as well as very famous sermons. I had chills when he recalled Martin Luther King, standing in this very pulpit the day before he was killed.

As always, all good things come to an end. After listening to an impromptu organ concert for a few minutes, it was time for us to go. On the way out, we stopped by a very unique fundraiser for the Cathedral, a Lego brick building of the cathedral itself. You could make a donation and add a few bricks. it was incredible! My Lego loving boy was thrilled.

In the book Jewels of Light, the Stained Glass of the Washington National Cathedral, Elody R Crimi writes, “a blend of visual and emotional sensations are integral to the experience of stained glass.” Rowan LeCompote, the cathedrals for most stained glass artist, compares glass to music.” Like music, stained glass, can stimulate the imagination, it can lift the heart, it can enchant.”

When I was growing up, the church I attended had rows of Stained Glass windows along each side of the church. I used to look at them, taking in the colors, artistry and beauty for the whole church service. Sometimes, I was concentrating more on the details in those windows than I was concentrating on our pastor and his preaching. I was indeed enchanted by them, and I hadn’t remembered that until a bit later on our trip. The enchantment with these is next level. They each tell vivid, detailed, both heartbreaking and redeeming stories. They combined the values of Christ and the history of our country to bind present and future together with the backdrop of the stunning cathedral.

The cathedral was a gift of artistry, architecture, wonder, and pure holiness. I had no idea that that trip to the Cathedral would become one of my very favorite memories of our time together. I breathed gratitude, awe, pleading for many we love and awareness of the God-breathed gifts.

And again – the reminders that God is everywhere and saturates everything.

Thankful, prayerful and hopeful.



Job 22:12

The White House and Ford’s Theater: both saturated in history, color and dedication.

Washington DC highlights, (Part 4).

If you’ve been to DC, you know what I’m talking about when I say the city itself could be a study in saturation. From the people, sounds, colors and everything in and outside – Washington for us was a week full of blessing, rich pictures of God’s delight, sovereignty and presence.

The next stop on our tour of tours brought us back to the White House, this time in the daylight! My Mom and Dad had done some incredible legwork securing tours of the Capitol and White House through our Congressman’s office and we were all blessed. It was a gift to have these opportunities and it did not go unnoticed.

Though we took a small detour through the White House visitor’s center, we did indeed find our way to the real visitors entrance at the actual White House. The path IN and security required was nothing short of a very well -oiled machine. Each member of the secret service who checked our credentials could not have been more respectful. I sat in my wheelchair, waiting for the uncomfortable looks, or looking away, or talking to me like I am a child that sometimes happens. It is a real thing when I am in the chair. It did not happen this time, for which I was very grateful.

A model of the White House in the Visitor’s Center.

When we eventually made our way through multiple security checkpoints and walked through the doors to the White House, I could hardly take it all in; part museum, part office and partly home to the Biden’s, currently. We slowly wandered through the East Colonnade, gazing at framed pictures of various First Families throughout our nations’ history, including their beloved pets. To our happy surprise, a week after returned from DC, one of the questions on Jeopardy was about a pet racoon who had lived in the White House and we knew the right answer, because of our visit! (See photo below!)

Grace Coolidge!

We were a tad bit jealous of the presidential movie theater, imagining our own many movie nights. There were beautiful sculptures, paintings and gifts given to various family members. It was surreal to move through the hallways, seeing sights from movies and tv, as we moved along the long hallway. I gazed out the window, reminded of TV shows that have used the White House as a central character, how we all are fascinated by the mystery of power and elegance here. (Any Scandal fans?)

Oh, this is lovely!!

We moved on, seeing historic rooms, furniture, dishes and so much more. As my husband pushed me slowly along the hallways, I made eye-contact with another dad who was pushing his son in a red stroller/wheelchair. His smile and dedication to his boy, (who I instantly recognized as another CP warrior,) was sweet and tender. As we approached a room filled with books, Matt and I joked about going to put a copy of the The Forgotten Five by my friend Lisa McMann on the table where about 30 other books were displayed. (The Secret Service may not have been so respectful if we actually tried this! You’ll just have to go buy one to read, well worth it, I promise!)

So much history here.

I put my hands on the wheels to slow down and motioned the dad and his precious boy ahead of us. The dad gave me a wink and a silent, thank you and it was another sweet, “CP warriors unite” moments. I had seen quite a few warriors on the trip, something not lost on me at all. 1 in 350 people are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It is a truly rare incidence for me to run into anyone with CP, let alone a few in the same space. The night before on our dusk tour, I had seen another tour guide with CP, as well as Dre.

We came to the end of the hallway, finding a marble staircase, which others in the tour began climbing to the second floor. Before we had a chance to ask where an elevator was, one of the many people who took such pride in their roles here, motioned us his direction. We waited while he walked the man and his son behind a set of screens behind him. Another man came down the stairs and encouraged us to follow him, asking us to refrain from taking photos while we followed him to the elevator. He explained some of the history of the White House, as the location of the elevator is not in a “public” part of the White House. We were able to see a few behind the scenes portions of the White House including one of the beautiful kitchens, where we were given a smile and exuberant “Hello!” in French from one of the chefs as well as some of the original stonework from the White House at the time of the first fire in 1814.

Once we got off the elevator, we walked into the “Red Room,” beautiful lush wallpaper and many historical antiques, centuries old and in beautiful condition. The “Green Room” was similar, gorgeous in color, pristine architecture and antiques. We next went into a ballroom, a formal dining room, then came out into a long hallway that displayed many portraits of former Presidents and First Ladies.

The Red Room
The Green Room

As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the Presidents. We had gone to Cape Canaveral and Boston when I was young, both of which awakened my interest in President John F. Kennedy. I know there are many rumors about his life and sad realities related to JFK’s death, but in my youth, his charisma, youth and tragic death had always made me want to learn more about him and his seemingly fairy-tale family. As we made our way down the hallway, we came to the portrait I’ve looked at so many times.

To see all the history, the rich tapestry of tradition, belief, hard work and trust in God was an unforgettable experience. I was so thankful to share it with the kids, my parents and other fellow visitors. (Americans and those from other nations.)

All too soon, our time at the White House was coming to a close. My husband and I waited to get our picture under the Presidential Seal, the same one we’ve seen in countless press conferences and speeches. As we left the elegant, gleaming furniture and priceless works of art, I thought about how quickly time passes…all that these walls have experienced, lost, rebuilt, changed and changed again. I thought about the time in our family, how quickly are kids are growing and how much we too have experienced.

And then…how absolute and unchangeable God is. All the ideals our country began with, trusting God was at the forefront. While much has changed, God has not. HE is the holy of holies, the beginning and the end. While His Word tells that the “flowers wither and grass fades,” (and all other things,) “the word of the Lord lives forever.” (Isaiah 40:8). As much as this city and our country honor tradition and history, unless it is all built on the truth of God, this too, will fade. My brain has been reflecting so much on all the things we’ve taught, built and put our absolute faith in.

Our next visit was to The Ford’s Theater and the Petersen House, where President Lincoln died. It was a somber visit, almost as though you could still feel the heaviness of the President’s death. We all crammed into a re-created version of the bedroom where President Lincoln fought for life. Again, I was struck with the reality of change that can happen in an instant, to individual families of entire nations; or anything in between.

The Ford’s Theater
A replica of the bed President Lincoln died in at The Petersen House

The National Park ranger stationed at the Petersen House took great care in telling about the events of history in the most authentic and honoring way. I wondered how much that becomes a part of you if your job is to share the details of such an important time in history. It was clear, the level of pride and honor it was, with the ranger we spoke with. She talked with great reverence about President Lincoln, his impact and his tragic death. It was a personable re-counting, gratitude for our president’s sacrifice and pride in her own post here. We left feeling like we had personally come to know the President and his life a bit more than what we’ve read.

The room in the boarding house

From the painstaking reconstruction of the bedroom where the president fought for his life, the detailed museum filled with endless details about the President, his family and his presidency, and the honor throughout, we were completely saturated by it all. At The White House, history, color, details and meticulous care ; we were in awe. And the dedication given to it all was a beautiful representation of sacrifice on many levels.

I am grateful for every good and perfect gift, the skills and gifts of those who live and work in our Capitol, striving for the best of our country and her people. (Yes, I choose to believe this is the best hope of most who work in the political arena…)

I am grateful for the architects, builders, dreamers and the many others who’ve built, designed and created and so much in Washington and around the world. Isn’t there so much to see, every where we go? I am amazed, by it all.

I am grateful for the opportunities and freedoms that we take for granted here in United States. These days in DC reminded and encouraged me to appreciate it all, every single day.

Most, I am thankful for the sovereignty, hope and reason to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of him, I (we) truly have nothing to fear.


Isaiah 40:8
