Tag Archive for: Fred Rogers Institute

World Cerebral Palsy Day, 2024

I find myself in a strange, yet lovely and new spot as I age. I am far more accepting of myself, the roles that I am called to, the ways these change like the tide and the ways they are beautifully and achingly the same. My role as “mom,” is ever-changing as my kids also age. With my oldest in college this year, my 17 year old son on the very brink of adulthood and my 13 year old daughter changing before my eyes, I would be remiss if I didn’t take an honest look at how I am changing as well…

They don’t need me the same ways they always have; they need me in different ways now. (By the way, THIS change is also wrought with both/and, the grief of changing family dynamics and the exhilarating moments of growth.)

Yes, I MUST acknowledge both/and as our family shifts a bit…otherwise, I forfeit the beauty and right-ness of God’s plans for all of our lives, rather than becoming bitter, fearful and sad at all the independence and therefore, change, that plays out in every moment of every day in our family.

There are other changes too…

I have been working for two full years with EMDR International (EMDRIA) to become a certified EMDR clinician, which will reach completion this week. Just as quickly, I will begin the process of becoming an approved consultant with this ground-breaking organization. As I look at the next chapter of this career I love dearly, I am focused on bringing continued perspective and growth to brave clients as well as assisting other therapists who also care deeply about complex trauma and the healing work of EMDR.

I am a part The Fred Rogers Educator’s Neighborhood for the next year as well. I am very honored to have been accepted by Fred Rogers Institute for this year long study. Along with a group of others who have been impacted by Mr. Rogers, we are together learning  how to utilize Mr. Rogers’ wealth of knowledge, study and perspective in many areas of child, family and  professional development. Though we have met only twice, I am so thankful to rub shoulders with others in the world who genuinely believe, like Mr. Rogers, that kindness really does change us all. And heavens, don’t we all need more kindness in the world?

As there always is in life, there are difficult adjustments too: this week, two significant deaths in our world. Though I specialize in grief and loss, it is still very personal when it happens to you or in your very personal corner of the world. Losses bring us to the opportunity (I say this so gently,) to look back, to grieve again or in new ways and to use losses to inform how we want to LIVE going forward.

There are new and enduring friendships, growth in so many areas as we have recently come home, again to the church that played such an important part of my life from age 14 – 24. God has stretched, challenged and blessed our family in profound ways in the process of leaving our former church, grief like I have never known in that process and the faithfulness of finding a new church community. It is both the biggest blessing to be cared for, to be vulnerable and to love and care for others in this new and not new church home.

Finally, there is the both/and as World Cerebral Palsy Day was observed on October 6, 2024.

It is a heart-wrenching thing, this part of my identity that I so wish wasn’t AND after many years of grappling with what it means for and about me, to find pride, hope and love for myself and fellow CP warriors. It is so holy to see, validate and celebrate the bad-ass-ness (I made that up, can you tell?) that comes with living with and caring for those with this disability. This week, a friend finally got to bring her son (who has CP) home from at least a month’s stay in the hospital for complications with seizures and other physical issues. I am stunned by her son’s (and her own) positive attitude after so much. For as much shame as I have carried and overcome in my lifetime around my own diagnosis with CP, it is gift to be able to smile and be proud on World CP Day.

Here’s the thing…God is not, will not and has never been surprised at the ways he created us, the things we do need to go manage here, apart from heaven and how we are limited in our humanity in the midst of these things. He IS with us, even if it feels like he absolutely IS NOT. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, ” The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Ohhhh, that’s such a hard one, isn’t it? We are so human in that feeling that says, “why does God put me through this? He COULD change _________________…..”

I hear it multiple times a day and my own reaction is understanding the question AND compassion. What I hear in that phrase, I immediately  think, “oh, he is NOT, putting you through it; he is holding you, as he himself hurts that this is happening too.”

I do not understand all the mystery that surrounds the what’s, how’s and whys that surround God and his sovereignty. I have been there too, crying in rage, frustration and desperation. I have also come to a place where there is more peace in releasing the whys to God’s care and fully trusting him anyway…

I suppose that is how, after many years, many feelings, many experiences and many prayers, I can joyfully put on my green World CP day t-shirt, raise a “cheers,” to my fellow bad-asses, and hold space for that rather than the negative.

I am curious, how are you experiencing change in this season? Maybe we can hold each up, give more care to ourselves and others and float on these crazy waves of change rather than fight them…

God, who is in it all, through it all and who holds it all together: Thank you for understanding our limits, frustration and even anger when things aren’t changing for the good. Thank you being near, always. May we seek your understanding, your heart and greater trust in your love and goodness. May we see ourselves and each other with your vision, compassion and desire for whole-ness. May we know love and joy as only you can give.



Deuteronomy 31:8

Leaving: saturation, great gratitude and wonder…

Washington DC/Pennsylvania (Part 7)

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” AA Milne, as heard from Winnie the Pooh.

Have you ever been to a place that seeps into your being, because of both the place and the people and the experience with them? THAT was Washington for all of us, low expectations because we were just excited to go, the gift of time was the only expectation and then we could be blow away by the goodness. THAT WAS OUR WHOLE WEEK and THAT was also the hard goodbye. None of us will ever forget the blessings…and it was time to head home.

We packed up and left out of our beautiful condo in Alexandria in order to visit the Fred Rogers Institute on the campus of St Vincent’s College on the way home.

My family was more than grace-giving during this trip. I have wanted to visit the exhibit for years and as it turned out, they were closed on our way here. It was a given, amongst my kids and husband that we “go on the way back.” I could’ve begged or even “guilted” them a bit if need be, but here’s the thing…my sweet husband and kids were so excited to go, WITH ME. They explained how they KNEW how important is to me and they WANTED to share in that. I don’t know how it is with you and your spouse and kids, but that moment of “wanting to WITH ME,” blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I didn’t have to drag them, guilt or beg them or feel guilty myself that my wanting to go was something to be endured. They gave me the gift of being excited with and for me….

Isn’t this so like Jesus?

In all the trillions of gifts he provides to each of us, he does so just BECAUSE HE LOVES US. I do not believe it is always the physical things, though I wonder if he loves our delight in some of those, much like I absolutely delight in my kids delight when we find a gift that truly blesses them and awakens THEIR delight. My friend Ross is a “car guy,” his words. I believe whole-heartedly, that God LOVES Ross’s interest and “love” for all things car related,” though God himself really has no need for “cars.” My friend Rachel, makes THE BEST chocolate cake! For others, it is a deep, deep love of animals, others sew; for still others perhaps reading, writing, crafting, hunting, antiquing, gardening, traveling, making music, hiking…the list could go forever. I believe, the joy I experience as a parent by delighting my kids in all sorts of ways, is in the image of our magnificent creator who can and DOES bless ALL of US in so, so many ways. I think he then just wants our loving hearts to pour back into HIM.

THAT is the picture my family gave to me as we sought out the hidden gem that is the Fred Rogers Institute. They were just WITH me in my joy, wonder and gratitude for the life and work of Mr. Rogers.

They were excited with me as we found the building, tucked into a corner of a small college in Pennsylvaina. We entered on the bottom floor, a quiet, quiet, space that left us wondering for just a minute if we were indeed in the right place. While I took a quick potty break, my family began exploring…

“Mama, come here!” I heard my youngest daughter squeal/whisper. I rounded the corner toward her voice. S stood on her tip-toes, hugging a dinosaur that was painted in great detail, with all things, Mr. Rogers neighborhood. A lump caught in my throat as I looked at Trolley, King Friday XIII, Queen Sarah, Henrietta Pussycat, X the Owl, Lady Elaine Fairchilde, Daniel Tiger, and Grandpere. Each was depicted in beautiful detail along with Fred Rogers. I have watched and read everything I can and had previously seen this dinosaur somewhere on YouTube. It was the first of many sights sights on display here at the Institute that was better when seen in person.

“Mom, come here!” My oldest daughter called from behind another wall. I hugged the youngest who still held tight to the dino’s neck, then made my way to my sweet oldest. She smiled broadly at me, pointing to a plexiglass window in the wall below the words, “Mr. Rogers archive.” I peered in the window and drew in another breath. There, was THE castle from the land of make-believe! It was surrounded by other props, pictures, boxes labeled, “Fan mail,” other boxes with what looked to be clothing and accolades, including a huge framed “Forever stamp” of Mr. Rogers and King Friday XIII that was released by the USPS in March 2018. It was especially poignant because Mr. Rogers answered as many fan letters as he could and his wife said that he would love knowing there was a stamp made in his honor.

I stood at that window, looking around at Mr. Rogers legacy, so much more to come…I thought about the people committed to his belief, work and calling. How many had touched these very items, spent time with this man who just exuded good. How fitting and beautiful that God would allow that legacy to continue, here, on a small college campus…

We made our way to the second floor…

“Mom, look!” My son pointed across the stairway, where a huge picture of a smiling Mr. Rogers and another of my favorite quotes, welcoming visitors into the story of legacy.

I melted, a lot; for many reasons.

Mr. Rogers is NOT an idol to me…he is NOT Jesus. He was NOT perfect in his earthly life. He WAS driven to provide hope, truth and kindness to all. He laughed, worked, played, prayed and lived how I know the same Jesus desires me to attempt to live to. My admiration has everything to do with a connection to my own values about life, relationships, authenticity, empathy and how we treat ourselves and others. Talk less, care more. Listen, always. Be Yourself, feel your feelings. Let your life and value of others speak about who and how Jesus is.

To be here after so much study, full gratitude for this example of a life well-lived was SUCH a gift. And to be so loved by my gift of a family brought me to tears. But the best? The best moment was this: my nearly adult child, hugging me before I got to the entrance. She could see I was a bit overwhelmed, looking around, trying to take pictures and slowly take it all in. NOT, a both/and, I’m afraid.

“Mama, go wander, I will get the pictures.” She squeezed me tight.

Tears, already just below the surface, sprang to my eyes for an entirely different reason. “Babe, are you sure?” She squeezed me again and shook her head. “I will get it all, Mom. You just go look around.” She began taking pictures methodically with her phone. I stood for a moment, trying to figure out how I’d been given the gift of being “theirs.” Then smiling, I peered into a glass case and began to read letters, diplomas and accolades given to Mr. Rogers.

Pictures, memories, facts; guests of the show, props and then, the puppets! They looked so well loved and used. They were so familiar to me, both from my own growing up and from the many books, videos and documentaries I’ve watched. Lady Elaine Fairchilde, who is said to have borne a striking resemblance to his real-life sister, Nancy Crozier. Daniel who was in reality, Fred’s alter-ego, the closest personality in all the puppets to Fred’s own. Daniel, who is now, in new ways, teaching new generations of kids, parents and adults about feelings too. King Friday represented Fred’s authoritarian side, his sons even commented how if there was an issue at home, it was King Friday who spoke with the kids. Queen Sara was Joanne Rogers and the rest, all characters of Fred’s mind, all to teach children (and adults, secondarily) how to feel, cope, adapt, communicate and regulate.

I turned, the trolley behind me. I vividly remember the twinkle of the Trolley’s bells, the entrance of the Land of Make-Believe and scenes with the puppets. I remember the stop light, a video of the Crayola Factory, the aquarium. I remember the songs, the sweaters and shoes….

Mostly, I remember the tone of Mr. Rogers voice, the peace in his eyes and smile and how I felt like he spoke right to me. That was long before I came upon the documentary on a snowy Sunday (see previous post, 143). The impressions he left on so many of were just that way, a feeling, a sense that he cared. It is why, though so many will tease, mock or question his goodness, many, many more around the world recall a similar feeling to my own – acceptance and love. If you KNOW he loved the Lord, then you can connect the feeling to Jesus. But I believe many who may not know Jesus personally may have experienced HIS love and grace through Mr. Rogers own demeanor.

As I looked closely at the Trolley, I noticed my youngest, sitting “crisscross, applesauce” in front of a tv that was playing an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. She was entranced! She told me later about ‘getting shots – learning about “being brave” from that episode. It was a joy to see her face, becoming familiar with his beloved Neighborhood. As I turned back to Trolley, my eyes settled on another clear plexiglass box with 4 sweaters in it, red, cream, green and purple. Another pair of his blue Sperry shoes sat on the floor of the box, just below the hand-knitted sweaters.

In my work with complex bereavement, items of clothing may take on extra meaning following a loss, whether complex or singular loss. Many times, a memorable piece of clothing becomes a transitional object and/or treasured representation of our loved one: a flannel shirt that Grandpa wore consistently, a shirt from Dad or Mom, a sweatshirt from a friend or sibling or even the shorts from a cousin that remind us of a loving free spirit. I have had the privilege of hearing and feeling the stories and the fabrics that belonged to a loved one that was made into a quilt, pillow or even teddy bear. It is powerful to hold, touch or even see the clothes that belonged to one so dear to us.

Though I never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Rogers in person, seeing those sweaters, this time VERY up close, felt like a visceral reminder of his life and personhood. I am sure I am not the only one who put my hand up to the box, whispered a prayer of thankfulness and nearly “felt” those beautiful sweaters.

Mr. Rogers, in his Lifetime Achievement Award speech (1997)

“All of us have special ones who have loved us into being.

Would you just take along with me 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are — those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life?

Ten seconds of silence.

I’ll watch the time.”

I wonder who that is for you…

I wonder when you think of the person you admire, or the ones who have wanted all the good for you, who comes to mind?

When I had soaked up every photo, fact and memory possible, I rounded up my sweet family for a few photos, thanked them profusely and we wandered back to the car. On the way out, two women wearing Mr. Rogers Institute t-shirts emerged from the office. My body contracted as we made eye-contact and I was immediately frustrated. It was as if the representation of Fred in these women turned me a bit tongue-tied. I tried to thank them for their work, explain what it meant to me, but really felt embarrassed and red-faced at my reaction. We said goodbye, I tried to whisper kind words to myself and then went on a hunt to find the campus bookstore, thinking their must be some memorabilia there that I needed.

Daughter and I went in, emerged with another book, a wooden version of Trolley and full hearts. I couldn’t ask for one bit more….

The ride home was bittersweet, filled with recalling experiences that were already memories, silly jokes, moments of surprise, some sad, some poignant and beautiful, all drenched and dripping with thankfulness.

I will hold it all dearly, trying to ever be aware of the world God has made that is so much more than my little corner. I will stretch, remember, advocate and attempt to see with the lens of awe how many people, both historically, in the present and the future who God has created and loves. I will look with wonder, humor and joy at architecture, entertainment. And I will hold with reverence the ways that honor, dedication and perseverance comes from the Lord himself. I hope to appreciate both nature and created things, the things I can’t comprehend and the things that just fill me because JESUS LOVES ME.

 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

Until next time, DC, Pennsylvania and Virginia. We can’t come back soon enough….




It was a snowy afternoon, one of those where we as a family had a clear Sunday on the calendar, a truly miraculous thing. Even more shocking to me, as a mom of teens, was the fact that after lunch had been cleaned up, I wandered into the main area of our house and found it empty. This wasn’t new, especially as clean-up began. The family tale has always been that my grandpa’s sister, Aunt Betty, would always “need to go the bathroom” just as clean-up began. In reality, I think we all want to disappear at these points in post-meal chores, but our kids do a fantastic job helping, all over the house. Still, on the this particular day, I had gone to change clothes and found myself in a seemingly empty house.

I wasn’t sad – a fire started in our fireplace, courtesy of my husband who I could hear in the garage, already invested in something of his own. I curled up in our oversized sectional with a cozy blanket, trying to decide what I needed with this unexpected gift of quiet and being alone. I grabbed a journal, which didn’t feel quite right. Not my coloring, or napping. What did I need? 

I suddenly remembered the documentary on Mr. Rogers that had come out a few months prior. Yes! I could feel something align inside myself, but was not sure why…after searching the too many streaming services we pay for, I found “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” and could feel my soul settle just a bit further. With a cup of tea, fire crackling, my favorite fragrant candle giving me sweet memories of summer and my pup snoring on my lap, I hit PLAY on the remote and heard a familiar sound…. a few piano notes, a voice so kind, and THEN…. the familiar, ringing bells of Trolley. I couldn’t help but smile and instantly began to sing along with a seemingly forgotten song…”would you be mine, could you be mine, won’t you be my neighbor…” (are you singing along too, just reading the words? I thought you might be…)

The first few minutes gave glimpses of Mr. Rogers history, beginning with a sepia toned video of a young Fred Rogers, tickling the keys of a baby grand piano, rehearsing how he would describe feelings to a child. Cut to a group of children clamoring for his attention and with laser focus, the gift of his attention and response to one after another. Cut to a description from his producer, describing the many reasons why “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood SHOULD NOT HAVE worked” and then, this: Mr. Rogers, saying earnestly into the camera, “Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all parenting. Love or the lack of it. What we see and hear is part of what we become.”

As strange as it is to say regarding a documentary, I was completely riveted in 4:41 minutes. I could feel a few different things at the exact same time: It felt like a warm sunbeam shining on my face, simply seeing images and hearing Mr. Rogers, Trolley, Daniel and the many other sounds of the neighborhood. I sat there, my adult self invested in the well-done documentary, and the delight of reconnecting with an old friend, the safety and understanding in his words, because these have become such a core beliefs for me as well. Up until those 4 minutes and 41 seconds, I hadn’t known that he was someone with whom I held such similar beliefs. 

A memory emerged, a fuzzy photo in my mind of watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood when I was very young. I could see myself, legs in a W, munching on cheerios, enthralled with Mr. Rogers and his land of make believe. I recalled his puppets, their personalities, the big red, yellow and green light, his voice, calm, caring and completely free of judgement. 

What t started as a feeling throughout my body that day, became something much more over the next 90 minutes. I wanted to know more and more still about this neighbor who I hadn’t seen in far too long. I found the melodies, stories and words returning from a place stored deep in the recesses of my heart, not even knowing I could still feel and sing every word.

I sat there there, a grown up, both safe in my living room, protected from the frigid Michigan winter, comfortably full from a Sunday meal with family and an acute awareness as I watched Mr. Rogers, heard his voice and character eloquently described, that he was indeed a safe, lovely friend to both myself and countless others. The kid inside me remembered the lilt in his voice, the comfort and calm, even as he talked about extremely hard things. I had not been through a war or natural disaster, traumatic death at a young age or divorce. Yet, the child inside me who had grown up with CP has been grappling with differences that I had no idea how to voice, acknowledge or process.

Bessel Vander Kolk writes in The Body Keeps the Score, “For our physiology to calm down, heal, and grow we need a visceral feeling of safety. No doctor can write a prescription for friendship and love: These are complex and hard-earned capacities. You don’t need a history of trauma to feel self-conscious and even panicked at a party with strangers – but trauma can turn the whole world into a gathering of aliens.

I watched in tears as he normalized issues of both acceptance and pain related to racial atrocity, by inviting Officer Clemmons to cool off his feet in the same pool; as he sang with a young boy, “its you I like,” after sitting with Jeff Erlanger and hearing his story about life in a wheelchair; and as he normalized, simply, “being kind.” He had even left a life-changing impression on a gorilla. Unreal. I was thunderstruck with the ideas that were so important to him, are some of the same beliefs for me that as a therapist (and human) that are imperative in teaching clients about feelings, empathy, self-compassion and healthy coping. 

I began to take notes, noticing the connection and truth I felt internally as Won’t You Be My Neighbor finished.

“If you really want to communicate, the most important thing is to just listen.” – Mr. Rogers

From his character, work ethic, kindness, gentleness and admitted imperfections, I felt an odd camaraderie, almost as if I could understand and value myself better because I was seeing him through the documentary.

He had a tremendous way of just being with people, allowing people to talk and listen well in return. He answered as much of his fan mail as possible, thousands who over the course of time, and for millions, contributed to how they had felt as a kid and still as an adult, even though they only ever met in the neighborhood, ON TV. He showed me and so many others that we were seen. 

He was ahead of his time, tackling issues involving racial inequality, fear, divorce, conflict (even war and assassination) death, inclusivity and healthy coping in eras where most of these might have been avoided. He was also an ordained Presbyterian minister, though he seemed to let his life speak to that so much more than using the words, at least that is how it felt for most in his neighborhood. 

Tom Hanks, who played Mr. Rogers in the 2019 film, “It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” said this while promoting the film: “‘There’s an acronym that I’m using now in my own life – W.A.I.T., wait – which stands for “Why am I talking?”‘ Hanks said. ‘You should just sit and start listening to everybody who comes your way and you’ll be amazed at what you learn.” I’ve shared with many clients while also reminding myself. It is just one of many, gems that I hold dear from the life of Mr. Rogers. He emulated my Jesus is so many ways, though I doubt he would’ve seen that about himself. People matter, their thoughts and feelings, needs and struggles. Kindness MATTERS, to others and ourselves. Play, learning and joy, are imperative.

I found myself studying, reading books and videos about his life in the weeks following the snowy Sunday. Everything I read, watched or discovered about Fred Rogers led me back to Jesus, my own calling and gentleness. 

As I have read, watched re-runs, highlighted quotes and wished I could I have tea with Fred, (and honestly, purchased a few more cardigans and even a t-shirt with his image on it) I am left with these truths:

-We are all human so there is no pedestal necessary. Our lives WILL touch others, in either the beautiful or the broken ways. I can only hope and strive for the beautiful and apologize when my broken (or mean or misguided or thoughtlessness) takes over. Mr. Rogers, as well as Jesus, show me the wisdom in being slow to speak, quick to listen and even quicker to offer love. 

“The greatest thing we can do is help somebody know that they’re loved, and capable of loving.” – Mr. Rogers

-All the things MATTER! How crayons are made, how to manage the mad, sad or every other; consistency, presence and play; gorillas, clocks, relationships, honesty, music, humor, reading, artwork, dignity work ethic and I43. (I’ll let you look that one up.) 

“I think Mr. Rogers was one of those people who do their his work seriously and hope that someone would pick up on the seriousness of what they are about.” -Betty Seamans, producer and actress, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

Don’t we ALL hope that we will be understood, seen for what we are about? I think Mr. Rogers knew it wasn’t just kids that needed to hear how to love and be loved, feel and be strong enough to talk about it. I think he hoped that in teaching kids, it would be easier as adults. The the short version of my favorite quote is ‘whatever is mentionable is manageable.” (I’ll let you look up the long version, it’s also in the beginning of the bothandkeepitreal website.) This is an important belief in my work as a therapist, the seriousness of what I am about. I absolutely BELIEVE in the work of knowing and loving ourselves. My writing has become the joy and purpose in sharing my hope and beliefs. 

What are the important parts of you, the seriousness of what you are about? Don’t be afraid to share it in safe places, it is there you can be seen and cared for, exactly as you are. 

“I like you as you are, exactly and precisely, I think you turned out nicely, and I like you as you are. I children need to hear that, I don’t think anyone can grow unless they are accepted exactly as they are.” Mr. Rogers.

-“His theology (just like Jesus) was love your neighbor as yourself. It was deeply personal and wide open to all,” stated a cast member in the documentary. I think this is why Mr. Rogers still resonates with so many people, 20 years after his death. He was such a human example of the God he loved even if he never said it on the program. This past week, someone noticed the Mr. Rogers sticker on my cup that I always have with me. He commented, “I loved him. There are not people like him anymore.” I stopped myself from fangirling about my friend Fred, but I thought to myself, “I’m really trying to be!”

Still, I know that his unconditional, kind and gentle heart was not and is not the norm. The documentary also explored the nay-sayers and doubters, those who blamed Mr. Rogers for contributing to an entitled generation. Here is the last truth, at least for this post, right from the documentary itself.

“Mr. Rogers was not talking about entitlement. If you don’t believe everyone has inherent value, you might as well go against the fundamental notion of Christianity that you are the beloved son or daughter of God. ” Mr. Rogers explained what you are special means in one of his commencement speeches. “You are special ultimately means that you don’t ever have to do anything sensational for people to love you. You are loved just as you are. You are endowed by your creator with good.” Junlei Li, former co-executive director of the Fred Rogers institute.

“People were intolerant of his tolerance…” Tom Junod

Thank you Jesus and thank you Mr. Rogers for showing us how to live a different way. Thank you for your relentless pursuit of people, love and something so much greater than yourselves. 

May we follow in both Jesus’s and Mr. Rogers example: be tolerant, kind, loving neighbors, to ourselves and each other. May we find Jesus in each other, give grace and mercy extravagantly in many ways and may we love without ceasing….



PS If you are curious about some of the books or resources I’ve found about Mr. Rogers and his impact, please message or comment and I try to share!