
When my mom picked up her computer to start writing this week’s blog I asked if I could write. I wanted to write on my mom’s blog to talk about my experience with LINKS. You all probably know me from my mom’s blog. I’m her youngest daughter.  I am in 7th grade and 12 years old.

I feel like I have a connection with kids with different abilities. I am so blessed to have been able to meet so many people who I am very close to now. Last year, I met this amazing boy with autism (T). He didn’t really know how to control his anger or stress. He would have little tantrums.

(T) is both fun and smart. I started hanging out with him not too long after I met him. I became really close friends with him. He was in a good mood most of the time and in my 3rd hour choir class. He really didn’t like choir, that’s where he needed help the most. I felt sad for him because he didn’t know any better. My teacher was the best when it came to these situations. She always told us “I’m not worried about him. If I thought he was going to do anything, I would take care of it. I know he is in control.” I always thought she was so brave for that. I wasn’t scared of him; I was just worried. I knew he was going through a hard time; he just needed a friend.  And I was going to be that friend.

I found out he has a deep love for squismallows just like me. We started bonding over the cute plushies. A few weeks later, he walked over to me and told me “Sky I really like you.” “Well, I like you too.” “More than a friend?” he said excitedly “Oh umm well (T) I’m really sorry, I just like you as a friend. I don’t know if I’m ready to be really liking anyone yet.” He looked down and said “ok.” he dragged his feet and walked away slowly.

 I felt bad. I mean should I have said something different? But at the same time, I wasn’t really interested in dating him. I just wanted to be friends. Eventually he stopped thinking about it. He is an amazing kid and I love being his friend.

After the summer, I come to find out that I will have two classes with him! I was so happy. We normally went on breaks together throughout the day when he needed them and I helped him with all his work. In the 2nd quarter, 2 new teachers joined. That meant a lot of kid’s schedules would change. Including mine. I got moved out of my 1st, 2nd and 3rd hour, two of which I had with (T). I heard from my teacher that he was really unhappy without me in either of his classes. I felt so bad, but knew it wasn’t my fault.

 When I got home that day, I told my mom and dad everything – how my schedule changed and that I wasn’t in any classes with (T) anymore. My mom was really sad to hear that. My sister and brother have had one of the teachers that I got moved out of and we all loved her. My teacher and mom did some mastermind hacking and got me back into her class! They both thought that it was a good idea for me to be back in her class. I’m so thankful that it all worked out. I wasn’t moved back into the other class with (T), so I remained in my new 3rd hour class. But Tyler is still my bestie as well as his other friend (L). She is an amazing friend to both of us. (L) started her school year in 6th grade by joining the LINKS program.  

LINKS is for anyone who wants to join, also people with different abilities who need a little more help. (L) has been in links for a while now. I have wanted to join but I never knew how. We’ll come back to that. A few weeks ago, I was in 1st hour. (T) was not there. I asked to go to the library to finish my work. On my way down there, I saw Mrs. (P), a LINKS teacher. (T) was standing by the main entrance with all of his stuff. I asked “what’s (T) doing?” “He wants to go home; he doesn’t want to be at school. I tried talking to him asking him to come back to class but he wouldn’t listen.” “Could I try talking to him?” “That would be great!” I walked over to him, and asked “what are you doing bud?” “I don’t want to be here!” “I know, but think about it, if you never came to school, you wouldn’t be able to see all of your friends.” He said “yeah that’s true.” So, I gave him a hug and we went to the library. On the way, Mrs.(P) said “You’re the best!”

 Later that week I got nominated for student of the month. My teacher saw how good I was doing with (T) in 1st hour. I was thrilled! I was so blessed with all these opportunities. Thank you, Jesus. The next week, I was walking down the hall and Mrs. (P) stopped me and said “Hello sunshine! I’ve seen how well you work with (T) in class so I thought that I would add you to the list for LINKS!” “Thank you so much! This means so much to me!” She gave me a hug and emailed my mom about it, telling her how proud she was of me and how well I work with (T). Ever since then, I’ve been helping and being there for him in any way he needs me. I am so blessed to have met all these incredible people. My life would not be the same without them.


Xoxo   -(S) for my mom. She leaves tomorrow for vacation, but will be back with even more stories!

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3 replies
  1. Jodi
    Jodi says:

    What a great guest blogger entry today. I can tell from the words and the way it was written that this writer is not only talented but is also an amazing human. Thank you for sharing your story. It helps everyone understand the world just a little bit better when 12 year olds share their thoughts and opinions. If you ever start your own blog, sign me up to receive it! In the meantime, I will continue to look for these special posts.
    PS- I am so glad your mom gets to go on vacation! She deserves some extra good times. and I know you all have just as much fun!

  2. Mary
    Mary says:

    Wow you are the kind of kid we are all so proud of. Taking time to make a difference in someone else’s life. I’m sure your parents are so proud of your kindness to others. Thank You for sharing, it made my day!


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