Life abounds

It’s been a minute since I’ve written. Part of that is just life. The holidays, then the re-grouping that happens afterword. Also…it is January and in my corner of the US, there are more gray days than sunny ones in January (often also in February and March!) As I write this, I am grinning because my kids had 3 snow days last week! Yes, a few good reasons that I’ve been slacking on new post.

Because I also really believe in authenticity, I must also admit that I’ve been a bit discouraged with writing in the last month. I’ve submitted to a writing contest 2 years in a row and have not been chosen. I am well aware this is all part of the deal. I am not entitled to be chosen, but I am very human and wonder sometimes if this is good enough to go anywhere or make a difference at all….

I wonder if you’ve ever felt this way? With permission, my oldest daughter is swimming in college and has been sharing with me her own insecurities about being good enough as well. It is hard NOT to feel this way at times, isn’t it? And again, if we can be transparent, isn’t it really normal for us all to have these doubts, thoughts and misgivings occasionally, at least, while we are on this side of heaven?

Here is a snippet of how I have heard many who experience these same insecurities, this week alone:

“Stacy, I just don’t think I am good enough to get an interview.”

“I am a terrible person.” (Me – “I wonder what makes you say that?”) “So many reasons, if you only knew!”

“What if no one ever wants to be in relationship with me?”

Yep, we’ve all been in the sea of insecurity at some point in our lives, yes?

Our beloved Pastor Ross shared these two words Sunday and I have been thinking on them ever since.  He was talking about the Sea of Galilee, where “life abounds.”  He is also the person who introduced me to, “grace abounds” for which I am so grateful. I think” life abounds” wasn’t even directly related to the “point” of the sermon, but instead is part of Ross’s every day outlook and yet, I’ve been mulling those two words over since Sunday.

I don’t know how you feel about this past week, but I feel like it’s been a bit of everything (not just the snow days). I have heard concern over relationships due to political beliefs, fear of deportation, fear for safety after a house fire, fear of “not being able to afford my medication,” and massive fear of change at every turn. I have also heard joy, those feeling deeply moved at the inauguration festivities and hope for their own reasons. It has indeed, been a both/and kind of week. Yes, I am more than comfortable with both/and, how to hold contradicting feelings at the same time. And yet, I find myself at a loss for words at all the unknowns…

I find myself empathizing, and re-iterating how difficult it is to feel SO MUCH at the same time. And, not having a great explanation, reassurance, or an answer for the many issues involved with all of this in our beloved country. The truth is, even since I began writing this piece, there has more massive unrest in the US, further sweeping decisions and a tragic aircraft accident in Washington DC that is utter heartbreak. Yes, I don’t know what to say…

But the anchor that tethers me, is my trust in my God of heaven and earth. Every time I feel my heart skip many beats related to it all, the concerns and indignation of my teens at the state of this world, every single moment of imploring from clients, friends and family as to why things feel so…(what is even the word?) frightening, chaotic, unbalanced, even terrifying, I steady myself with the words from the book I love.

Psalm 13

How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?

3 Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,

4 and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

6 I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.


Lamentations 3:22–23

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” 

Psalm 136:1-26

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever” 


Steadfast. Faithfulness. Endures…

Thank you,  Jesus. I can breathe, when I read this. I can hope and my body remembers who IS in control. And, thankfully, I CAN trust…

Life does and will abound, even when things feel so foreign, downright maddening, fearful and unknown. WE are all KNOWN. He is sovereign and present.

Even though, in my limitations, I cannot understand all the dynamics of the world in 2025. I AM scared, uneasy and appalled. And…I can trust him, no matter what…

Let’s help each other in these moments of fear. Let us remind one another that we are NOT alone, even when it feels that way. Let’s take the time to listen, respect and care about one another’s experiences. The truth is, anything other than this, leads us to more of the same that we are currently afraid of.

For me, I want to be a part of something on this earth, where life does indeed abound. Can we take care of each other, listen, and love, rather than well, anything else? Let’s support, see and hear, rather than tear down, hurt and wound…or, heaven forbid, make things worse.

Matthew 28: 20 says, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

I have THIS hope.


Psalm 13


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