Entries by stacy@stacymcneely.com

Holding my rail…

“Don’t let go of your rail.” I encouraged last week during a counseling session, to a person who has been enduring emotional abuse for the last 10 years. They have been working so hard on boundaries and I am so proud. As my day wound down, the memories and years I have been giving that […]

Waiting for the Hydrangeas

We drove through the dark, rainy night, peering at houses on an unfamiliar road, squinting into the inky night, searching for a specific house number. Life can look different than it does in photos, because of perspective. Things also look VERY different night to day, as well as from familiar to new and unknown. We […]

Becoming a wild wonder woman…

Recently, a client described her granddaughter to me with the words, “she is a wild wonder woman!” it was one of those moments in counseling that initially was not particularly noteworthy. Important, yes; but not one that I clinically sat back and took note of. After we finished our session, however, I wrote it down […]