Entries by stacy@stacymcneely.com

World Cerebral Palsy Day, 2024

I find myself in a strange, yet lovely and new spot as I age. I am far more accepting of myself, the roles that I am called to, the ways these change like the tide and the ways they are beautifully and achingly the same. My role as “mom,” is ever-changing as my kids also […]

A couple changes….

Hey there, there are some exciting changes coming, at least for me! Through the help of my friend, Dan, we are working on stream-lining this blog and my professional website. It will be undergoing some upgrades in the weeks to come and I am excited about that. What does that mean for you? For now, […]

Angst, agony, excitement and hope…

You can feel the energy building in your body, your head spinning….realize you must find a way to manage it…. Lace us your shoes; you leave your Air Pods home and now listen to each footfall, hoping you will find the answer to the question that is rattling your insides, even though the question itself […]

Being With….

(For JKB, EGM and all who need a reminder) Perhaps I have mentioned it before, perhaps not. I am a huge, and I do mean, HUGE, Olympic addict. I credit my parents, with whom I watched the Olympics faithfully as a kid and have continued in my own family. As I was glued to every […]

What do we assume?

I think, like most of America, I am dreading the next few months ahead of the next presidential election. As a therapist and a living, breathing human living in the US, I have heard so many opinions, broken-hearts, hopes, concerns and torn up family systems because of the state of our democracy. *Here is my […]

The Monkey in Michigan

(a true story with a tiny bit of imagination…) 1957 I pulled over on Kenowa Ave to check my directions from the map in the glove box of my Studebaker Champion. My map, the one I use many times for my job as an ice cream delivery man, was a complete mess. One of the […]


(Disney part 4). June 21, 1996: I had barely turned 23, was enjoying life, post Hope College and still a huge Disney buff. I lived in the small ranch home I’d recently purchased that had been my grandpa’s, with a beloved roommate. She was strong, smart and a person with whom I felt known and […]

Hey readers…

Thanks for being so patient this last while…it’s been a bit busy at our house! The blog has been hiatus due to graduation festivities, etc… I am working on something new though, hoping to publish it this weekend, so keep a look out for that. Also some fun new happenings and opportunities for me to […]


I have a multi-faceted personality, if I can be honest with you. I am all sorts of things: introverted and love when I get to interact with my closest circle or those I find a new connection with; both anxious about the how’s, where’s and what’s that accompany my disability and very comfortable in other […]