Entries by stacy@stacymcneely.com

Life abounds

It’s been a minute since I’ve written. Part of that is just life. The holidays, then the re-grouping that happens afterword. Also…it is January and in my corner of the US, there are more gray days than sunny ones in January (often also in February and March!) As I write this, I am grinning because […]

Here’s to a brave new year…

Around 1995, I heard a song. It was a Christmas song, but funny, I only remember one line of the lyrics. Not the name of the actual song, nor any of the other lyrics. Just 7 random words that have stuck with me for about 30 years… I wish you a brave new year…. You […]

For your elevation…

  It is just barely 24 hours post-thanksgiving celebrations; my stomach still feels full of all the goodness, as does my heart. From the gratitude and love experienced in our church home to the love of family and friends, mouth – watering meals, laughter and moments unforgettable to the white blanket of snow outside my […]

Whatever we have to do…

I wrote this Monday, but for some reason had difficulty publishing it… She smiled at me, eyes full of depth, love and joy. “Mama, you are always there for us.” My heart jumped up to my throat in that very second. The dialogue in my mind was so ready to argue the minute she said […]

New post –

Hey there, I am not sure how long I will keep posting here and on my business page. We are working on adding a subscribe button for direct notifications on the new page. Until then, here are some new thoughts today and beyond. God is good. https://stacymcneely.com/whatever-we-have-to-do/

New post!

Hi there! I have a new post just published here! I am so sorry for the delay, working diligently on the new merged site that combines my work and my writing. Thank you for your patience as we are trying to get the new site set and just as user friendly. Until I can get […]